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Curbside recycling is available to those residing in the City of Lafayette in a house, duplex, or triplex. Residents having the "total environmental charge" on their monthly Lafayette Utilities System bill are eligible for curbside recycling.
Visit the Recycling Guidelines page for more information on what can and cannot be recycled curbside.
Drop-off recycling - Residents without curbside recycling can drop off recyclables at the Acadiana Waste Services office, located at 2107 Carmel Drive. The same items that are collected with the curbside recycling program can be dropped off. Times are M-F 8am-5pm and Saturday 8am-12pm.
Please consider what you are purchasing and using. Can it be recycled or reused? Are you creating more waste than necessary? We can all do our share to protect our resources by reducing the amount of trash we send to the landfill.
Call (337) 291-5637 to get more information on Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling.